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Reviews for Buttercups & Daisies Florist Birmingham

At Buttercups and Daisies Florist Birmingham we care passionately about customer satisfaction and for this we work tirelessly to deliver beautiful fresh flowers every day. Our latest reviews have been received via our membership with Direct2florist. Each review has been verified by Feefo. Feefo is an independent review specialist and they ensure only customers that have placed an order may leave a review.

perfect thank you


Mr Bowman - D2f Review

2nd Sep, 2018

loved the flowers they were absolutely stunning thank you , will defo be using buttercups and daisies again ,


Mr Allen - D2f Review

2nd Sep, 2018

Flowers were received on the day requested and were beautiful as usual. Have never had an issue with using or Buttercups and Daisies florist who is the florist I always use when sending flowers to family in Birmingham.


Mrs Rooney - D2f Review

4th May, 2018

My friends said the flowers were lovely and beautifully arranged. Thank you once again.


Ms Lehmacher - D2f Review

29th Nov, 2013

Great service, Thank you. Fleurtations Bristol.


Bernard - D2f Review

22nd Nov, 2013

received on time and very well presented,thank you RON SYMONDS ,BIRMINGHAM


Mrs SYMONDS - D2f Review

30th Sep, 2013

Very good service, I would recommend it definately


Mrs Zitouni - D2f Review

9th Aug, 2013

Very prompt service. The flowers were lovely. Would recommend them to my friends .


Mrs Borrello - D2f Review

5th May, 2013

Comments via e-mail were that they were colourful and beautifully presented. The recipient was very impressed.


Mrs Lehmacher - D2f Review

16th Mar, 2013

Amazing flowers made my mom cry as so beautiful x


Mr Stevens - D2f Review

5th Dec, 2012