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Reviews for Buttercups & Daisies Florist Birmingham

At Buttercups and Daisies Florist Birmingham we care passionately about customer satisfaction and for this we work tirelessly to deliver beautiful fresh flowers every day. Our latest reviews have been received via our membership with Direct2florist. Each review has been verified by Feefo. Feefo is an independent review specialist and they ensure only customers that have placed an order may leave a review.

Excellent presentation of flowers and delivery as promised. Grear


Mr Young - D2f Review

24th Dec, 2019

They are simply great...even received a call regarding my order and it was so professional. Flowers were delivered on time. Great customer service


Anil - D2f Review

16th Dec, 2019

Received beautiful Christmas flowers. Best flowers we've ever had delivered, fresh and beautifully done! Amazing, thank you so much! Also delivered before the time I needed!


Miss Codling - D2f Review

3rd Dec, 2019

Goog afternoon I was happy with the service provided Thanks Obrigada


Mrs Lopes - D2f Review

30th Nov, 2019

fast delivery! good job


Mrs Sarastiti - D2f Review

11th Nov, 2019

Flowers were delivered on time and feedback was that they were beautiful, great service by direct2florist, thank you


Mrs Mckenzie - D2f Review

7th Nov, 2019

Ordered funeral flowers on the internet and as requested were ready for collection at 08:30 hrs, on the day of the funeral. The arrangement was beautiful, Wouldn't go anywhere else and never been disappointed. I'm sure you won't be. Carol. .


Ms RICHARDS - D2f Review

24th Oct, 2019

Flowers nice and delivered on time so great service as I had booked on line from another country several days before. Will use again


Mrs Edwards - D2f Review

17th Oct, 2019

Friendly staff Followed my wishes with sensitivity as i requested. Will use them again without hesitation


Ms Brown - D2f Review

1st Jul, 2019

Ordered at 12 delivered at 2, FANTASTIC service thank you so much!!


Miss Connolly - D2f Review

14th Jun, 2019