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Reviews for Buttercups & Daisies Florist Birmingham

At Buttercups and Daisies Florist Birmingham we care passionately about customer satisfaction and for this we work tirelessly to deliver beautiful fresh flowers every day. Our latest reviews have been received via our membership with Direct2florist. Each review has been verified by Feefo. Feefo is an independent review specialist and they ensure only customers that have placed an order may leave a review.

Brilliant service and absolutely beautiful flowers. Thanks!


Mrs Nicolson - D2f Review

21st Apr, 2020

Fantastic service, really pleased with the selection and presentation of the flowers x


Ms Binns - D2f Review

15th Apr, 2020

Excellent service .Flowers arrived today as promised . Mrs Bickerton was delighted. . Thank you .


Janet - D2f Review

11th Apr, 2020

I was delighted with the service provided. The florist managed to deliver the flowers I ordered ahead of when they forecast but exactly when I wanted. They were a thank you to my 20 year old daughter who, like other medical students, has been drafted in to help in the present crisis. The flowers were like her; contemporary, elegant and sophisticated.


Dr Ferrie - D2f Review

11th Apr, 2020

Very helpful and conscientious staff. Thanks


Mr Paillette - D2f Review

10th Apr, 2020

Flowers are lovely and were delivered on time. They are being enjoyed I did know they are not sent in a vase


Mrs Perritt - D2f Review

9th Apr, 2020

Had flowers delivered to my wife, she thought they were absolutely beautiful. Delivered on the day I picked. Thank you!


Mrs Parker - D2f Review

9th Apr, 2020

Excellent service. Beautiful flowers.


Miss Matthews - D2f Review

8th Apr, 2020

AMAZING!! Everything I asked for & quick delivery even in these unprecedented times! Will definitely use again. Thank-you!!


Miss Morgan - D2f Review

22nd Mar, 2020

Great support, beautiful bouquet and same day delivery


Mr Leveridge - D2f Review

11th Feb, 2020